Wall Mounted Sectional Gondola
Island Style Sectional Gondola
We are a major west coast distributor and installer of Madix steel frame gondola systems. These wall units are extremely sturdy and can be braced to walls, strapped to freezer cases, or anchored to the floor with seismic anchor plates to safely display your products. They come in a variety of heights and widths to meet your store's needs.
These island style sectional gondolas come in many different sytles to help you display your products appropriately.
Our company will help you design, build, and install the gondolas for your entire store, creating the sales enviroment you invisioned.
Ask John to layout your store's sales floor with Madix steel frame gondola and pallet racking systems and make the most of your store's selling area.
John's Installations
Custom Store Fixtures
1170 Price Ave.
Pomona, CA 91767
Ph: 909-622-7404
Store Fixtures
Shelving Units